What cat litter do you recommend?

Answer: We use Fresh Magic and order it online from leolane@freshmagic.com. Never use clumping litter with a kitten, it can cause blockages and potentially be deadly.

How long do they live?

Answer: Toygers live 15 to 20 years.

Are they talkative?

Answer: Not especially. They will let you know when they want something, like food or love!

Do they get along with dogs?

Answer: Yes, they are confident cats and when introduced properly, they become fast friends!

Do they shed a lot? What are their grooming requirements?

Answer: Most Toygers have a glitter coat and they do not shed at all. Little grooming is required, as they do most of it themselves. Do trim their nails on occasion.

Do they require special care?

Answer: No. They require the same inoculations as any cat, as well as a good diet with fresh meat and top quality dry food.

How big do they get?

Answer: Toygers get average house cat size with males being about 1/3 larger than females.

Do they get along with other cats?

Answer: Yes, they are very easy going and with proper introduction procedures, there is no problem at all.

Is there any tiger blood in toygers?

Answer: No, the Toyger is a totally domestic cat.

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